Studies, management & other program documents
The following documents help with the mission of the Las Vegas Wash Coordination Committee. These documents are provided online as an open resource to enhance your knowledge of the various activities conducted.
- Bioassessment Final Document (paper), 2003
- Las Vegas Wash Monitoring and Characterization Study: Ecotoxicologic Screening Assessment of Selected Contaminants of Potential Concern in Sediment, Whole Fish, Bird Eggs and Water, 2007-2008
- Ecotoxicologic Screening Assessment of Selected Contaminants of Potential Concern in Sediment, Whole Fish, Bird Eggs and Water, 2005-2006
Long-Term Operations
Vegetation Enhancement & Management
- Bostick Weir Planting Plan, 2004
- Calico Ridge Weir Planting Plant
- Cottonwood Cell North Planting Plan, 2012
- DU Wetlands No. 1 Weir Planting Plan, 2013
- DU Wetlands No. 2 Weir Planting Plan, 2009
- Good Weeds Gone Bad factsheet
- Integrated Weed Management Program for the Lower Las Vegas Wash, 2003
- Land Cover Types of the Las Vegas Wash, 2008
- Las Vegas Wash Invasive Weed Guide, 2009
- Las Vegas Wash Long-Term Revegetation Management Plan, 2019
- Las Vegas Wash Revegetation Master Plan, 2006
- Lower Narrows and Homestead Weirs Planting Plan, 2011
- Powerline Crossing Weir Planting Plan
- Rainbow Gardens Weir Planting Plan
- Upper Diversion Weir Planting Plan, 2008
- Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2022
- Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2021
- Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2019
- Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2018
- Vegetation Monitoring Report, 2017
Water Quality
- Final Project Report of TSS and Nutrient Study, 2006
- Las Vegas Wash Mainstream Water Quality Report, 2003-2007
- Las Vegas Wash Groundwater Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, 2015
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2023)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2022)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2021)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2020)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2019)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, (Revised 2018)
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, 2017
- Las Vegas Wash Surface Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Plan, 2016
- Las Vegas Wash Tributaries Water Quality Report, 2003-2007
- Las Vegas Watershed Advisory Committee Regional Water Quality Plan, 2009
- LV Wash Monitoring and Characteristic Study, 2004
- Nature Preserve and In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Ponds Water Quality Monitoring Plan, October 2011
- Real-time Water Quality Monitoring (paper), 2003
- Response of Stream Macroinvertebrate Assemblages to Erosion Control Structures in a Wastewater Dominated Urban Stream in the Southwestern U.S., 2011
- Selenium in Tributaries (paper), 2004
- Shallow Groundwater Quality along the Las Vegas Wash, 2012
- SNWA Sediment Sampling Report, 2006
- Water Quality Monitoring in the Mainstream Wash, 2004
- Water Quality Monitoring in Tributaries (paper), 2005
- Water Quality Monitoring in Tributaries, 2004
- A Comparison of Water Quality Improvements from Three Different Wetland Types in the Las Vegas Valley Watershed, 2010
- Culm Breakdown of Three Types of Macrophytes in Las Vegas Wash and Associated Macroinvertebrates, Nutrients, and Trace Elements, 2009
- Demonstration Wetland Study, 2007
- Final Wetland Demonstration Projects Report, 2012
- Nitrogen and Phosphorous Uptake by Cultured Microbes Collected from the Las Vegas Wash and Associated Areas, 2010
- Phytoremediation of Perchlorate by Native and Exotic Riparian Phreatophytes of the Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, 2006
- Pittman Wash Pilot Wetlands Final Grant Report, September 2007
- Removal of nutrients and metals by constructed and naturally created wetlands in Las Vegas Valley, Nevada, 2010
- Water Quality and Plant Growth Evaluation of the Floating Islands in the Las Vegas Bay, 2002
- Bird Population and Vegetation Trends at the Las Vegas Wash, 2005-2023
- Comparison of Terrestrial Invertebrates Associated with Las Vegas Wash Exotic Vegetation and Planted Native Vegetation Sites, 2009
- Distributional changes and population status of amphibians in the Eastern Mojave Desert, 2005
- First account of the splendid tamarisk weevil, Coniatus splendidulus Fabricius, 1781 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Nevada, 2011
- Habitat and Food Preferences of Bats along the Las Vegas Wash, 2011
- Large and Medium Sized Mammals of the Las Vegas Wash, 2011
- Las Vegas Wash Amphibian Survey, 2004-2005
- Las Vegas Wash Aquatic Bird Counts, 2009-2016
- Las Vegas Wash Bat Survey, 2004-2009
- Las Vegas Wash Bat Survey, 2004-2005
- Las Vegas Wash Bird Census, 2000-2006
- Las Vegas Wash Bird Census Summary Report, 2000-2003
- Las Vegas Wash Invertebrate Inventory, 2000 - 2011
- Las Vegas Wash Invertebrate Inventory, 2000 - 2010
- Las Vegas Wash Reptile Survey Report, 2019
- Las Vegas Wash Reptile Survey Summary Report, 2001 - 2003
- Las Vegas Wash Wildlife Management Plan, 2008
- Macroinvertebrate identification key
- Mammal Camera Trap Study along the Las Vegas Wash, 2018-2019
- Marsh Bird Monitoring, including the Yuma Ridgway's Rail, along Las Vegas Wash, 2023
- Red Rock Audubon Society Bird List of the Las Vegas Wash, 2019
- Restoring habitat for riparian birds in the lower Colorado River watershed: An example from the Las Vegas Wash, Nevada, 2011
- Small Mammal Survey in Marsh Habitats Along the Las Vegas Wash, 2011
- Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and Yellow-billed Cuckoo Surveys along Las Vegas Wash, 2023
- Stream Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Associated with the Las Vegas Watershed, 2000-2010
- Stream Macroinvertebrate Assemblages Associated with the Las Vegas Watershed, 2000-2009